Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A minor intro

Hello Friends and Family,
Well, I don't have my ticket yet due to circumstances that will soon be worked out, but I'm packing my cat and my guitar and following my love Amber to Africa.  FOR A YEAR!!!  I'm pretty darn stoked and a little nervous but I know I'll be fine in the end.  Actually I'm pretty sure this experience is going to be incredible.

There are many reasons why sending and receiving letters from Uganda is impractical.  (Perhaps I'll get into that in future blogs) (I think I hate that word and it feels weird to say it)   I think I'll call it my Frog.   This will be the quickest way to get up to date information on how I am doing and how Amber is doing from my perspective.  Amber will also be writing and posting on her academic website 


Make sure and check that out as well.

I hope this works and I hope I will be capable of keeping you all from missing us too much.  A year can go by pretty quick though, so don't cry all your tears away.  We'll be back before you know it.